
2019年5月6日 星期一

Greyson Chance - Shut Up lyrics 歌詞中文翻譯

Greyson Chance - Shut Up lyrics 歌詞中文翻譯
21歲的Greyson Chance, 有別於年輕時的聲音, 以獨特的嗓音詮釋這首歌讓人意猶未盡.

Different from his younger age, Greyson Chance, at age of 21, interprets this song with his unique voice. I can't help listening to this song over and over again. 

Greyson Chance - shut up【中英歌詞Lyric】 @ Gina Music :: 痞客邦::

March, 2019】

I cannot hold my tongue, you give me much to say
我無法不出聲, 我有很多話想對你說
I'm sweating bullets, nervous that you'll push away
焦慮不安, 擔心你將我推開
And when your eyes catch mine, I know I talk too much
當你和我四目相交, 我知道我說得太多了
So give me your two lips and baby, I'll shut up
所以親吻我吧 寶貝, 我就會閉嘴

Lying on the beach, the middle of December
十二月中, 躺在沙灘上
I'm thinking you're too cool to even remember
My face, my hair, my eyes, my lips, and my name, hmm
我的臉, 我的髮, 我的眼, 我的唇, 以及我的名字, 嗯~
Lighting up that clove, your confidence is what I want
點燃丁香, 我就是喜歡你的自信
I say a lot, I'm loud 'cause maybe you're the one
我說得太多, 我大聲宣示, 因為也許你就是那個對的人
Your hair, your eyes, your lips, and your name, hmm, baby
你的髮, 你的眼, 你的唇, 以及你的名字, 嗯~寶貝

I cannot hold my tongue, you give me much to say
我無法不出聲, 我有很多話想對你說
I'm sweating bullets, nervous that you'll push away
焦慮不安, 擔心你將我推開
And when your eyes catch mine, I know I talk too much
當你和我四目相交, 我知道我說得太多了
So give me your two lips and baby, I'll shut up
所以親吻我吧 寶貝, 我就會閉嘴

Ooh ooh oh baby, I'll shut up
寶貝, 我會閉上嘴
Ooh ooh oh baby, I'll shut up
寶貝, 我不再多說
Ooh ooh oh baby, I'll shut up
寶貝, 我不再多說
(Ooh ooh oh baby, I'll shut up)
(寶貝, 我會閉上嘴)

You dress in all black, the middle of the summer
在盛夏季節, 你身著全黑
You're smoother than you think, you rock that Alex Turner
你比你想像中要圓滑, 有著Alex Turner的搖滾魂
Your style, your arms, wrapped in leather, makes me want you forever (Oh, oh)
臂膀在皮衣下襯托出你的型, 讓我想要永遠擁有你
But I cannot break this habit, pure anxiety
Stuck here searching for some words that you might need
Maybe you don't need them, it's not what we're about
但也許你不需要, 我們不該這樣
And maybe I'll just slow it down, down, down, down, down

I cannot hold my tongue, you give me much to say
我無法不出聲, 我有很多話想對你說
I'm sweating bullets, nervous that you'll push away
焦慮不安, 擔心你將我推開
And when your eyes catch mine, I know I talk too much
當你和我四目相交, 我知道我說得太多了
So give me your two lips and baby, I'll shut up
所以親吻我吧 寶貝, 我就會閉嘴

Ooh ooh oh baby, I'll shut up
寶貝, 我會閉上嘴
Ooh ooh oh baby, I'll shut up
寶貝, 我不再多說
Ooh ooh oh baby, I'll shut up
寶貝, 我不再多說
(Ooh ooh oh baby, I'll shut up)
(寶貝, 我會閉上嘴)

I will not be held responsible for any content and translation errors, but comments and corrections are always welcomed and encouraged. 
如有錯誤, 歡迎留言指正

